Wednesday, March 26, 2008

It's Been Awhile..

Spring is almost in the air. Baseball is coming back to town. The sun keeps chillin' with us long after 5 o'clock. And we still have a whole month until those pesky finals ruin our lives. So what could possibly be bugging me during such a wonderful time of year?

...Nothing. Now, I know what you're thinking. "He's bluffing. He's gonna lull me into a false sense of security and then 'BOOM', he hits me in the face with a roundhouse from his repertoire of rants." Sorry folks, not today. I'm just getting another post on here so that everybody is ready when I blow in a few days.

You see, it's my experience on this planet that everything tends to even itself out. When I'm angry, surely a day will come when things go completely my way and I will be at peace with the world. And on the other hand, when I'm enduring a dry spell of fury, and my life is 
actually coasting along without impediment...CRASH!!! It all comes falling apart with one fell swoop, and yours truly flies into a black Irish rage over the injustices that have been committed.

So tread lightly, loyal readers, for a dangerous situation is just around the corner.

And I'll be waiting in the shadows to save the day.

Until then, enjoy the silence,


P.S. My karma ran over your dogma. I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.

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